S&D Webinar – COVID-19 and the Workplace

As employers continue to operate under the shadow of what seems like a never-ending a pandemic, the legal challenges associated with COVID-19 have become increasingly complex. Vaccine mandates, mask requirements, social distancing, etc., combine to make life difficult for employers seeking to apply established workplace laws to this “new normal.”

Smith & Downey continues to guide clients through the minefields associated with COVID-19. As we do so, we have seen a rather dramatic surge in accommodation requests related to the pandemic. Those requests fall under three general categories - disability; pregnancy; and sincerely-held religious beliefs – and bring with them some significant legal challenges.

On Thursday, November 18th, from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Smith & Downey will be sponsoring a webinar to address the law of workplace accommodations and other COVID-19 related issues. As always, there is no charge to attend this presentation.

S&D November 18, 2021 Vaccine Mandate Presentation

Categories: Events