Upcoming Seminar
March 18th, 2014
We appreciate the interest in our next annual clients and friends seminar to be held at the BWI
Marriott, on May 1, 2014, from 8 a.m. until noon. Listed below are some of the topics we
plan to cover at the seminar. A limited number of spaces are still available. Please contact Alison Christian at 410-321-
9000 or achristian@smithdowney.com to reserve a spot at the seminar. (As always, there is no
charge for the seminar.)
I. Health and Welfare Benefit Plans
- 2014-2020 Affordable Care Act Tasks
- February 2014 IRS ACA Transition Guidance; Final ACA Reporting Regulations
- Penalties under the ACA
- IRS Guidance on Same-Gender Spouse Tax Issues; Qualified Plan Issues; FMLA Issues
- Changes to ACA' s Transition Reinsurance Rules
- Developments in Preemption and Erroneous Payment Recovery for Self-funded Plans
- Anticipating the Fully Insured Health Plan Nondiscrimination Rules
- The Form 8928 Challenge
- The Current State of the Wellness Program Rules
- The Latest on the PTO Cash-Out Rules
- Incentivizing Sick Employees into the Exchanges
- Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefit Plans; Adoption Assistance Plans; Qualified Long
- Term Care Plans – Why Such a Low Up-take?. Taxation of Reimbursement of Exchange Premiums
- Health Flexible Spending Account $500 carryover vs. 2 ½ month grace period (including
when amendments may be adopted and issues for plans with HSAs) - Fully-Insured Retiree Only Health Plans
- HSAs: Legal Requirements, Driving Employee Engagement, and Making Them Work with
Wellness Programs - The Latest Guidance on Excepted Benefits
II. Qualified Retirement Plans
- Roth Contribution and Roth Conversion Planning Opportunities
- EACAs and QACAs - Using Auto Enrollment to Solve ADP and ACP Challenges
- 401(k) Safe Harbor Plans (Traditional and QACA) Mid-Year Reductions or Suspensions
- New Guaranteed Minimum Retirement Income Investment Products
- 404(c) Compliance, the QDIA Regs, and the Compensation Disclosure Regs (including the
Delay in FAB 2013-12); Problems with Too-Specific IPSs - Defined Benefit Plans for Entrepreneurial Employers
- Permitting and Facilitating Non-Typical Investment Alternatives
- Alternatives and Requirements for the Frozen Defined Benefit Pension Plan
- Supreme Court Decisions: FICA and Severance Pay; Internal Plan Statute of Limitations
Enforcement - De-Risking Defined Benefit Pension Plans
- Fiduciary Issues with Target Retirement Date Funds and Other QDIAs
- Revenue Sharing Issues and DOL Advisory Opinion 2013-03A
- The IRS' s "Top Ten" Compliance Mistakes
- Employer Stock in Retirement Plans
III. Executive Compensation
- Compliance Self-Diagnostics to Eliminate Significant 409A Exposure
- Phantom Stock Plans for Entrepreneurial Employers
- Domestic Relations Orders and Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation
- Tax Reporting for Non-Qualified Deferred Plans of For-Profit, Tax-Exempt, Governmental and Church Entities
- Executive Comp Issues for Tax-Exempt Entities
- IRS Compliance Check Program for 457(b) Plans
IV. Employment Law Developments
- Obama Administration Hot Topics (e.g., Proposed Changes to FLSA Regs)
- NLRB Social Media Policies and Firing Employees for Social Media Mistakes
- Trends in Attendance as a “ Reasonable Accommodation”
- End of DOMA and impact on Labor and Employment Laws
- Fourth Circuit Ruling on ADAAA application to Temporary Injuries
- New Maryland Pregnancy Accommodation law
- Developments Concerning LGBT Rights in the Workplace
Categories: Events